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Pushkar is a town in Ajmer and is one of the five pilgrimage site for Hindu devotees. If one wants to get blessings from god and wants to spend a spiritual day then the Pushkar is the best place for them. Puskhar Lake is the place where pilgrims take a bath and it has many ghats also. There are many temples and is famous for Pushkar Mela which is also known as Pushkar Camel Fare.

State:  Rajasthan
Best time to visit Pushkar: October- March
Languages spoken: Hindi, English and Rajasthani
Seasons: Summer, winter and Monsoon
Religions: Hindu, Islamic, Jainism and Sikhism
Temperature: Summer (25o C – 45o C) and winter (8o C- 22o C)
Climate: Tropical
Cuisine: Rajsathani and variety of food of different country.